1 hour A memorable mermaid experience on land or i n the water (depending on your location and requests). Beautiful photo opportunities Mermaid Q & A! We know our mermaid lore so ask us anything! Where do mermaids come f rom? Well Clam shells of course! Sometimes i nstead of a pearl there i s a mermaid i nside! Small gift
1 hour Imagine walking along the beach and spotting a real mermaid! This i s truly an unforgettable and i mmersive experience where your mermaid will be i n their natural habitat! Beautiful Photo opportunities Mermaid Q & A! We know our mermaid lore so ask us anything! Where do mermaids come f rom? Well Clam shells of course! Sometimes i nstead of a pearl there i s a mermaid i nside! Small gift
300$ per hour depending on event Mermaids are not only available f or private events; we do public events too! Mermaids are known f or l uring i n sailors but we are great f or l uring attention! Hire us as part of your next event and spectacular photo opportunities!
Dependent on task; i f possible a % Want a mermaid as part of your next f ilm or advertisement to capture the eyes of your customers? We would l ove to be a part of i t!
$2 each or 15 f or $25! Gorgeous l olly bags that gives you one less thing to worry about!
Who does not l ove to pass the parcel! x15 l ayers
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